Saturday, July 14, 2018

Be the “Someone“

I think I’ve related the story of the monastery and the filthy bucket before. 

Today I had something happen that made me walk my walk in a big way

A way that made me tremble a bit

I suppose that isn’t always a bad thing

I was at City Hall renewing my business licenses.  I knew I could do it online but I wanted to get it done and get my printed copies; forgetting they need to be approved before they send them. 

I was on the computer doing the inputting of information as they just changed systems and I had to create a new account; when I overheard them talking about how they we’re going to have to shut down her water today and how the city worker in charge of doing it didn’t want to but what choice did he have. 

I swallowed hard. Was that the reason I was there just at that moment? The place was slow. I was the only client and the second party to the conversation left for lunch so it was just her and I. I didn’t feel too self conscious because of these factors so I asked her very discreetly if I could pay the persons water they were just talking about. 

She looked at me a bit puzzled. She told me I could but asked me if I was sure I wanted to do that; which just gave me more pause. I told her that if this was a habitual thing and they needed maybe a lesson then no, but if it was someone in difficulties and a temporary thing; a bad situation then I would yes. 

She checked. Her initial response was “this person falls behind a lot” which made me hesitate until she said “she’s a single mom.” And I knew then and there I had to help. 

Does it matter that I myself am just barely above water?  Does it matter that I am going through some major emotional upheaval right now?  Does it matter that it was not a minor amount she needed to keep her water on?  

No. It didn’t matter.


I knew from watching my friend Danica “world’s best single mom ever” raise her daughter that it was no small feat. Until I had to walk that mile myself though I did not know just how hard it truly was.  I have often thought of creating a place for single parents and other community members in need to go for help; a free childcare center; free community room, free place to go hang out and find camaraderie and true community. There are senior centers already but still. Something for everyone with needs; especially single parents and more especially moms. 

I requested they not tell her who paid her water. I just wanted her to not worry about paying me back or me wanting her to make some grand gesture of gratitude. I want nothing from her. I just felt compelled to help. It’s funny to me and I see it so often time and time again that the ones with so little are the ones that seem to give the most. Especially when you extrapolate for what they own in life and what percentage of that they offer to others.

I could be wrong but that is what I see. 

What I also clearly see is that.....

The time to care is now.


Right at this moment


Instead of just saying 

“Someone should.....” fill in the blank...

“Pick up that trash”

“Help that person”

“Sweep that sidewalk”

Whatever it is. 

I think it’s time

We took a hard look in the mirror

And realized

WE ARE that someone 


If you are there to witness

Then you can also be there to help

And truthfully...

there is just not much more to it than that 

And I am so grateful to the people that walk this walk

That demonstrate selflessness time and time again

It is not always easy

But it is meaningful

And isn’t that what we all want in life?
