Sunday, April 23, 2017

Let's talk about it

All of it




Let's discuss it

Like actual sentient

Thoughtful people

(Full of thought.......right?  Isn't that what that means if you take it literally)


These dramas we've all created for ourselves aren't us

Aren't our soul

Aren't our true Devine nature

Aren't our real deep down self

So why take it so personal?

Why feel so insulted 

Opinions are just the fluff of existence

And your opinions about yourself and others

Are the fluffiest 


Either you are a representation of the Devil

Or a representation of God

Pick one

And stick with it (lol)

All this wishy-washy, when it's convenient for you bullshit

That's got to end. 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Nothing precedes the truth

except perhaps

Honor (honoring the truth)

And courage (courage to speak the truth at all costs)

Until truth comes before




Status quo


Until truth is at the forefront of humanity

Of each and every persons own human struggle

Nothing will change for the better

Because without that as the base

The foundation of our very lives

You have nothing but a sad house of cards

Friday, April 21, 2017



As long as you are

Over 14 and with someone within 2 years of your age

Or over 18

And in all cases all parties are consenting

Then who cares if your male with female clothes fucking rhino's

I don't care

Be male


Male with female parts

Vice versa

Every combination thereof

It's not my concern

Until the point I want to sleep with you

And you are in accord

Then a heads up would be nice



Works so much better

Having it all out in the open

I think we should all take a good look at our heart and soul. Stop living a life of so much pain and trying to be in so much control.

Give it up.


No one wants the joke to be on them?



So I truly believe

With every atom in the being of my body and all the energy of my soul

That the universe can manifest possibilities beyond our tiny grasp of understanding

If we just let it

If we open ourselves up to the possibilities

To the immeasurable amount of possibilities

And just believe

Open ourselves up to the real belief

That to me is true spirituality

The belief in God

The belief in our higher consciousness

The belief in things like miracles and manifesting and things outside our grasp

Outside our daily spectrum of seeing, knowing and understanding


So what about famine in Somalia

While I do believe Mother Nature has a wrath which we can neither control well nor quite grasp

She has all the right to want us living cockroaches off of her

We treat the world overall no better than rats treat their own environment

Actually of all animals

We are probably the absolute worst

So much for evolution and being the "chosen ones"

If the fact that we kill each other and our own habitat isn't proof we're just base, moronic heathens

Grasping desperately for our souls to flourish once again

I'm not sure what does

But it's so hard for our souls to flourish in this world

It is almost set up for us to fail that deeply, all so important

Truly what life is about


We were put

Like every other animal here

To flourish

To co-habitate with each other

And our environment

In a symbiotic way

Of mutual benefit

Really not complicated!!!!

And anyone that says so

Is just making excuses

There can always be in this world a win/win


And we (as sentient beings) have the capacity to help the universe

Make that happen

Or hinder that

You can

Chose your battlefield

Chose your opponent

Chose your strategy

Mark your territory if necessary

Suit up

And go forth


You can shield yourself with the greatest shield of all

And yet be as vulnerable as a new born baby

When you go forth with love


Soften your gaze to the world

Relax your entire body


Soak it all in

There is beauty in it

There is beauty in you

There is beauty in life

Give yourself to giving

To it all

Not taking


Giving what is needed

When is needed

Life wants you to play


I have a hard time coming to terms with famines and


And with the evils that surround us

When I look at it through the eyes of love

I see the games

The stupid games

And it hurts my souls deeply

But fortunately God

Replenishes hope

And more importantly even

Replenishes love as needed

Indefinitely, unendingly

As much as one cares to draw

When you care to draw it

On tap 24/7


It's inside

But also outside



This isn't about letting yourself be hurt physically, mentally, spiritually.

It's about following your heart

Without judgement

And knowing that as long as you are doing no harm



Knowingly on any level

If you are doing everything you can

To bring compassion


Acceptance into this world

And you are doing all you can

to see that in the world

To seek that

To forge that

In whatever way

Big or small that you can

Making allowances for our own inherently flawed humanity

Many, many, many allowances of compassion


I don't know

You must chose your own answer

I've chosen mine.


Mine is that that is indeed a life well lived

No matter what anyone else may say

I can live with myself with that

And that is after all

Who I seem to be right now ;)_

This bag of bones and this ever yearning spirit

I can live with this little slice of theater known as mortality

And make the best of it

Just make the absolute best of it

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Hold your banana buckets

said no blackened skin tropical person ever

And yet


Of part Afro-can descent

Say that constantly

And laugh about it hysterically

Because why the hell not

I'm just making fun of the ludicrousness of it all

Of it all sometimes

All so trapped in our stories


The most incredible thing about children

Is that it can be customary for them to say things

That can blow you out of the water

With their truth

Their profoundness

The way they can see far beyond our meager eyes

And then they can say shit

I can laugh at that

No matter how much you want it to be a him

It will never be

I'm sorry

I'm just isn't.

God is neither male nor female

And yet it's both

At the same time

And no I don't mean transgender

And that you feel you have to fight so hard to protect that falsehood

Is just the saddest (sadist?) part of it all

Not that there isn't even worse atrocities

Born from religious power

Liberated I dream to be

There's two kinds of in use addicts

The addicts that succumb to a drug that is just nearly impossible to avoid addiction to. The kind that even takes your grandma.

Then there's the kind that people just give in to. That they realize they don't want to try and control anymore. Be it food, alcohol, gambling; etc.

At the least. And there's probably millions of versions of coping addicts.

That's the thing. In my opinion. ONLY!!*

Addicts are very sensitive people who have not learned to cope with their own hearts. They haven't learned to follow their heart because their heart has led them so many times to pain.

I heard something beautiful today. Something to the effects of**:

Shoulder the pain.
Give in to the unknown
And watch the miracles unfold
What yourself blossom
Like a butterfly
Out of the cocoon

You can not stop the pain
As long as you are in this world
You will know suffering
Embrace it for what it is
The human experience
Just let go
Let it all go
And then
And then alone
You will be liberated

*I stand behind what I say. Take that however you want.

**actually. Only the first two of her first sentences am I butchering here. The rest was what I was thinking of when she said it. Kinda. Lol

Friday, April 14, 2017

A single dot (point) in time

Every single one of my blogs is a single moment in time in my life. I don't like to revisit them. I am a harsh critic. Sometimes rightfully so. How many typo's and meandering sentences and thoughts can a person take in one blog post?  Other times probably not so much merited. Right? Life is what it is. Full acceptance is key. Accepting what was. Accepting what is. As long as you are puttting in your best effort; life can't come down on you. It has no right to. If you are doing the "right" thing; which all that means is following your true heart (the pure spirit that truly loves everything and everyone) then you're always headed in the right direction. But I read these and sometimes I seen my flawed logic. My meandering. My disclosing too much personal and painful; beautiful and deeply felt.  Sometimes I feel like I've been a bit trite; trying to be too linguistic. Lol. Ugghhhh. Anyway. Point is. These little capsules are a ride  I was/am where I was/am at that exact pin point in time; or revisiting things past by pouring them out on page to the pleasure or displeasure of those involved. Some do represent my core values. Probably most. Probably closer to almost all. It's not that I lie. It's not that I'm being subversive. It's that I am fluid; like water. Ever metamorphosing.  Isn't it metamorphosizing?  Have I been saying it wrong all these years?  Ay yay yay. I believe everything I believe to be true. I have lied to no one. I can fell good about that. As of late I've even stopped with the ever smallest of white lies. No longer will you hear me tell a sick co-worker they "still look good" to try and cheer them up. I'm not sure it ever even worked.

Incest and Rape

i believe

And I've read about it enough

And seen it

That children are sexual

They like playing with themselves

Fingers and

Genitalia included*

Then add to that they are innocent

And naive

Diminutive generally if not in size also in spirit

Not because of strength.

But because of openness

Children haven't build defenses

They don't understand warfare

Against their boundaries


Adults and even children

Need to heed that

There is a legal age limit for good reason

Not just arbitrarily applied to whom we chose

When we chose

And the same can be said for rape

In a way

Should it be fair that now that I know I have boundaries

Whoever wants to

Whenever they want to

Get to invade them

Without my consent

Just because they want to

And can

How in the world is that sane and humane at all?


*i honestly can't remember the first time I masturbated. Honestly it wasn't until my 20's and then only with use of a vibrator; I think. Which I find a little sad. I can't say i didn't like the friction of fingers; because well lubricated that can be an awesome thing. I just don't seem to get too juiced up solo. Maybe. And I didn't have no money for K1; plus never have needed it when I'm with the right man (not being quantitative or evaluatory). Who knows. One could ponder things all day. And though in hindsight a lot of people say they have what they consider 20/20 vision about the past. I sometimes believe it's a lot more about the story people want to believe than the actual story really tells when it tells itself (from all sides); but of course seldom do anyone but the players (and sometimes even not them; through no fault of their own) know what's really going on.

God......bring me

God bring me joy

The genuine kind

That lights you up like a firecracker

From the inside out

God give me ease

Not in The outside factors

But in the inside ones

Make my spirit and heart light

With the tranquility of your love


May I have the compassion and benevolence

The overwhelmingly palpable feeling of love

 that seems to me to be the root

Of you.......God

May I first learn to direct it to myself in complete acceptance

And then learn to point it to everything

And everyone else.

Human malaise

There is no way to live

In this human carcass

With these emotions

And desires

These needs and habits

These hormones and imbalances

And not feel the depths of the experience itself

And not be taken over by it all


I say

I feel

I am

I seems to be the grand adventure

Not good

Not bad

Not right

Not wrong

It is the crescendo of all that came before

Interspliced with the cacophony of all that will come next

Meeting in the quiet of the eye of the storm

Called the now

The ever present

How could my heart not soften and bleed

At the wonder of it all

We are all held in that infinite state of pause

Between our past and our future

The pains and joys we have experienced and caused

And those yet to come

Culminating all into this moment of endless nows

Where it all can change

With the most minute shift


When we go from the singular and narrow framed "I"


To the all encompassing "All" experience

That some know as God, Spirit, Dharma, Oneness, what have you

When that not so small shift happens

The world will change

It will indeed chang

One person at a time

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Ho hum

Life is a series of disappointments

Stuffed between moments of ease and joy


I suppose the only  to way to avoid this feeling

This reality

Is to hold no expectations whatsoever

And that is a lofty

And most would surmise unattainable goal


I truly don't believe it is impossible

Merely that it takes looking at life

Much differently than we have been programmed to look at it

And that takes a shift most people find far too daunting a task to undertake

It is one which I ever yearn to achieve

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Embrace the fear

It is from the most raw and vulnerable place

That we are the most aware

That we can experience the most magical moments

That we can truly feel alive


Life isn't all fairy tales and gumdrops

Rainbows and butterflies

But it can be mesmerizing none the less

If you let yourself be fully alive to it

Have courage

Don't let fear keep you from living out your life

To its utmost

What did you come here for?

It is but one experience

One lifespan

Own it

Enjoy it

Truly live it



Wherever I am

Whatever I am doing

Whatever is going on

May I always feel you love and light

May I be witness to your Glory

At Every moment of my life

Hallelujah Amen


ask yourself

Does your self talk make you feel empowered

Does it help you feel good

Does it give you support and love;


The truth can set you free?

Saturday, April 1, 2017

No roller-coaster

my life

Seems to me at least

To be a meandering slow ride

Wavering between scenic and  boring

(Probably depends on the mood)

With some horrifying, death-defying, jaw-dropping and/or truly majestic scenes

Thrown in for good measure

But if you're not along for he ride

You probably missed it

And explaining it

Doesn't even scrape the surface