Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Let's all hate immigrants


I honestly don't agree with people having the right to leave their country to go stay in a new country
With the only exception being
If the general rules of that new land
Are the rules that said people want to abide by
That the way this "new" (to them) society functions is in line with what is in the heart of the person/people wanting to go there

That's why people flock here
To the US
Isn't it?
They have some misguided notion
That you can have it all here
That you will have freedom
To be who you want
To be "successful"
To be a somebody
To live a life in peace
But that simply isn't the case really
Once you scratch the surface
Of the very defunct "American Dream"
And as a foreigner one would
Have an uphill battle to keep up
Even more than the "regulars"
In this never ending 
Spinning door
Of consumerism and greed
Dishonesty and traitorism (betrayal)
And death caused by industrialization and corporate control

So while I don't believe that people should leave their countries. I understand why they do so. They do it from shear fear and desperation; they seek a chance for better, giving up all they have in life and leaving it all behind for simply the possibility to live a life in peace. 

Please just send them all back to die amidst the rubble of the countries that our own super power countries have pillaged dry of every resource possible and left decimated and uninhabitable.  The same ones our countries have helped fund wars for and given arms to.  Turn away their children and many hungry, desolate souls. 

I have a Big Mac to buy in my giant SUV on the way to kill an animal just for fun, while I TiVo my favorite reality show to not have to be bothered with any nuisance of information I don't preselect. 

What do we care?  Really?


*Nothing can ever be solved
With fear and hatred 
There can be an ending
But it won't be a good one
I can guarantee
And that applies to all parties concerned
Not just the supposed "victims"

From minimum wage to freedom

Minimum wage

How do we expect people to bust their ass on minimum wage jobs 
It's insulting really
To think that these poor workers should be grateful to be starving 

A recent report states that nowhere in the USA can a minimum wage full time worker rent a 2 bedroom apartment.* That's just an apartment, we're not talking food, utilities, car/transportation, clothes, bills, etc. No where can anyone living on minimum wage afford just a meager apartment. Yet we expect gratitude, a friendly smile, great service, a never ending smile, at all times. Seriously??

Congress doesn't work as hard as minimum wage workers, or as many hours. Yet they get paid well. People who are statistically speaking are much less your model citizen (bankruptcies, failed businesses, legal issues, crimes, etc.) then the average person. 

And yet people sometimes balk to tip them. Really?  If that extra dollar is going to bankrupt you, stay home. In Australia and Germany they have a very high minimum wage. I gather that is because they are a fairly homogenous societies and once more minorities come about that may change. Of course I could be wrong. This is just my skewed view of the possible reason. 

And also. Now. Don't get me started on contract workers. 

These people (generally speaking) went to school, did everything they were "suppose to do". And now they have no stability, no benefits and are worked as bad as day laborers or sweat shop workers. With any prospects of a permanent position making them out against each other for it. Talk about savagery. And these are the lucky ones to get a job now-a-days.  Right?

Yet we are fighting how many wars?  We are (militarily speaking) in how many countries?  Haven't we spent enough on war in this country to buy each citizen a million dollar home. Each and every one!!!


I'm dumbfounded how we could be so stupid. So complacent. 

That it has been proven that congress does exactly what special interests and corporation want it to do; regardless of the citizens desires. A 20 year study just revealed as much. That majority rule makes no difference anymore.  That the preference of the average citizen has virtually no impact on policy. None!  90% of the population doesn't count as far as congress is concerned; except at election time, and even then less and less as they strive to manipulate the votes more and more. 


It's all so laughable really. 

This country isn't free?

It's a royal smorgasbord for the top percenters while the bottom 90% (or more probably) pay for it dearly, with our lives, our children and our supposed freedoms. 

My child(ren)

I helped created them with my very own blood, sweet, and tears. 
From my very own body
They are as much a part of me as any actually part of me
And I am here solely to protect them
And love them
As best I can
With all the wisdom and kindness
I can muster for them
And you want to impose your 
And unjust laws on them
Simply because we/she/he/they happen to be born here
Without giving us parents any right to object. 
How does that make any sense?
A parent knows what is best for their child
Or bears the burden of a bad decision if not
So that you can not hold me legally responsible for all they do or what is done to them in my care
And yet not give me sovereign power over their very existence, over life or death decisions regarding their life
(in as much as a parent is ultimately capable of having this power, before it slowly starts reverting to their own power; hopefully

It's my body

Not yours
It was all I was given in life
It is the only thing that is truly mine
And yet
You think you have a right to impose
Whatever you want onto it
Who gave you that right?
Unless God decreed it from heaven directly
In a miraculous act
That I can clearly see for myself
Get your fucking intentions
Off of me

Monday, June 27, 2016

The Devil

If you have no fears
If you have no attachment to anything
If you have no vanity
No greed
No desires for anything outside of goodness and love
No deceit
Then you have no vulnerabilities
Then you have nothing for the devil to
Use against you
You have nothing 
For the devil to torture you with
If you can look in the face of evil
With love
Then you have truly won
The greatest battle of them all

Being peace

I shall wait and see

I don't know if they are lying to me
I'm not positive I am being betrayed
I am not 100% sure exactly how they feel
And I am uncertain of their true motivations 
One day
It will all be clear
One day
It will all be revealed
Until then
If I want to live in peace
I must give them the benefit of the doubt
And be at peace with it
Because until my heart has all the information it needs to make up its mind
All I can do is keep 
The door open
And my soul awakened
To the endless possibilities

Of course with things like
Forced vaccinations/Pharmaceutical greed
The GMO government conspiracy
And Corporate takeover of our lives
It's so hard to not be angry
Which is not very peaceful


I love pot

It lets me breath
It relaxes me deeply
It gives me space 
To think things through
A bit clearer
It heals me
From the inside out
And that's the best healing there is

life in one easy lesson

What gets you out of bed

On some level
It's your obligations
But on another label
On a deeper level
It should be your
Love of life
Your love of living
And you can't have a zest for life
When you are living it wrong
But the good news is
The only way to live it wrong
Is to not follow your heart
To not listen to your soul
So stop 
Breath deeply
Listen to the whisper 
Before it's gone
For good

Be love

I'd rather be labeled crazy

Then to live separated from my heart
To live separated from the love of God
It isn't worth it
It's no kind of life
The one they pretend makes you happy
It's no kind of life
Living for others
No matter who
No matter why
If it goes against your heart
It just isn't worth it
It's not worth killing your soul

Part five

So that's heaven
And we leave maybe because we love it so much that we think (if that is possible)
That we will be able to appreciate it so much more if we leave it and see it from the outside
Which how can that be so really?
Once you are there 
You lose all sense of self and separateness
A better theory that I've played with
Is that when a souls is called to come forth
A ladle dips into
The "bucket" of love
And there comes a person
Which is why we are all still part of he collective
Which is why we are all so interrelated
There is no separation
Of spirit
We are all still one spirit

It's hard to explain something unexplainable. Words just aren't enough to comprehend it. 

So then

Hell is a placeless place as well
Except there is ground
There were walls
There was no heat
No fire
There was a single entity
Of pure evil
Of pure hatred
And this entity
Knows you
Yes you
Right here
In this skin
Better than you know yourself
It knows your deepest darkest parts
Your insecurities
Your deepest
And it's only pleasure
Is in seeing you writhe
In pure agony
Over every single one of them
It hits you at every angle
And seems to laugh as you 
Cry and your body/mind/soul/spirit is wracked in pure unending torture
It is the scariest place
The worst horror story
The most evil ever encountered
And it's all geared towards you
My pulse hula hoops just thinking of it
As vaguely as I can remember it

An aside

I love reincarnation. 

Life is hard
We make wrong choices so often
We don't go with our heart
For fear
And we do this
Soooooooo much
How am I going to get it right?
How am I going to go into heaven?
If I can't listen to my heartens follow it 
I hate that Christians say
That if you repent at the last moment of your life you go to heaven
God is forgiving
And sure 
Part of me can believe it
But how fucking convenient
Let me just pillage, plunder, rape and blaspheme 
And I'll just make sure and hit the 
"Please forgive me"
Button at the end
Few things make me quite as mad as that one (lol)
I like to believe that maybe we could come back. 
Although why we'd want to is beyond me (lol)
We should buckle the fuck down and get to the work at hand
Instead of lolligaging with the devil
It's just so sad that it's virtually impossible to be yourself 
Without people trying to stop you
Up to and including dying 
It's such a tide to bear
Then add on top of that ones own natural 
Tendencies to ease into
Convetousnous (yes I know)
And all those other pesky habits
That the laziness in me
Wants to believe that we get more than one go
That we don't go to heaven and hell just in this one shot 
I have a hard time believing that when I've seen hell
And reincarnation theory leaves no room for hell
I change that a bit

After reading this brilliant explanation

Basically Yes. Hell does exist in reincarnation theory but souls can not be born from hell. Thank God for that. Phew
And that appears to correlate with the babies I've seen. Angelic for sure and reinforces my theories quite well. Which is a nice boost. Lol. (Hello vanity and insecurity.)

Part three

Heaven is the most miraculous place you could even imagine
Completely unimaginable 
Because it is literally
It is simply and exclusively
It is the best feeling you've ever had
to the millionth power 
You are part of everything
And everything is part of you
There is no here
No there
It is all one
Just one
No male
No female
No up
No down*

And the only way to 
know any kind of separation
To see "yourself"
To take a good look at it
Is to be born into the world
Now. You have no idea what you're gonna get when you get here
(Although some would argue quite convincingly that you chose your own life because that is the life that will most clearly get you closer to going home*)

*Close your eyes
See nothing
There is a faint color of red
A pulsing sometimes
Your veins
The light coming in from your eyelids
It is similar to that. A nothingness
But it is so full of every beautiful feeling you can imagine. Engulfing you

**although I like to think it's trying to show you all that you have left behind (in heaven) to help get you there. 

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Part two

(Part two) When I love 

I love unconditionally 
For the most part
And I have a huge capacity to love people
Not in a covetous way
In a I'm gonna let you be whoever/whatever
You want to be
And I'm just here for the ride

That's doesn't mean that arguments don't ensue
That tempers don't flare
That emotions don't get heated
It just means I'm still here
No matter what
No matter why
No matter when
For as long as I exist
I'm all in
With you

Now that's a very deep kind of love
It's the kind we sometimes see between
Mother and child
But when I love you
Anyone you
I have that for you
And the more I love you
The more I demonstrate it
Because let's be serious
You can't go demonstrating blind love to strangers
Can you?
No one is Jesus
Or Buddha
And people call you crazy
When you do it
Don't they?

That's all I want in life
To have it in me to love everyone
No matter what
I've don't it before, a lot
Days even
But the goal is always

Because life is golden when you do it every moment
But it can't be faked
You gotta give with your whole heart
You gotta be completely open
You have to have absolutely no fear
Life knows 
God knows
People, animals, beings
Know at their core the truth
Without words 

Which is why I have such a hard time believing Jesus had people that wanted him killed. That even back then, even since the beginning of time (Adam/Eve) we had greedy, manipulative people so out of touch with their own hearts/souls/God that they would want to kill such a pure person. Like really?  I mean if you are to believe the story as it's told this is what they are saying. 

That's a scary story. It's probably no wonder people don't want to follow in his steps. He got killed people (unless you read some stories I've seen that contradict that), but the general consensus is that he dies. Right?  Persecuted on the cross no less, for days and days. 

So what you're telling me (Bible) is that I should aspire to be like this man every minute of my life.  Turn the other cheek. Love everyone. Not judge. Etc. etc. and yet he gets this kind of treatment. Then. And he was so much better than we can even aspire to be. He was "the best son". Right?  And he got this treatment. That's a scary precedent. 

Of course he did supposedly resurrect right and then 40 days later ascended to heaven to be beside God.  

What would you endure to enter heaven? If you know heaven exists. 

(part one) all I know is my own experience

No matter what I've been told
No matter what has been shown
No matter what has been demonstrated
I can only believe what I believe
This stands true for everyone
Until we open our eyes/hearts/souls to something else
Then all we can believe is what we believe now to be true
Correct or incorrect as that may be
We are truly no better than the irrational toddler
That won't see that they can't see that what they are wanting
Is an impossibility
It's the crux of the situation
And it's the same for everyone 
Which is why it's always better to live open to the endless possibilities
Than staunch on one sole way
Because there are many ways to one end


Here is my version and mine alone. I share it with any else who want it freely, with love, and a welcome mat set out and everything. But I do not push this view on anyone or demand it be anyone's truth. It is my truth. That is all I can attest to. 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

I love Filipinos

They are such humble people
They may talk a tiny bit of shit behind your back with each other
But they have such good hearts
They have such kind spirits
I honestly never felt like they meant a word of it in evil
It was just funny is all
If it was even said
Sure of course not all
No totalitarian statement 
ever rings of pure truth
But I do believe mostly
That's why it saddens me to see that they are beheading people
If the Filipinos are doing it
Then our world economy is in most seriously danger
And as we sit here drinking martinis and craft beer
This world annihilation is going to seem to creep up out of no where and bite us all in the ass

And to think
All it would take is caring
But instead 
We're so intent on controlling
On how it can benefit corporate America
That's what our politicians are doing
You think they're just raping you
You think they are only bending us over
With their forced vaccinations
Their poisoning of our food chain
Their making us codependent on pharmaceuticals
Desecrating our lands
You think only we are the recipients of our governments greed

We're the LAST in line
They started all over the globe first
Then they thought. Hey...why not our own
Why not profit from our own
And there you have it

Foreign politics 
In one easy lesson 

It's not that women like being treated like shit

Talking just for me here but

It's not that I like being treated like shit
To the outside bystander it may feel that way
Look that way
But that simply isn't true
I know when the stacks are turned
It's just that I like how alive and radiant
It feels to live in truth
Not the bad stuff obviously
The good stuff
The really, really good stuff

And you know what feels good
A fucking great orgasm
A great fuck
Full of love
Chock full to the brim 
Of elation
Nothing faked
Nothing toxic
Nothing not wanted
Only everything given
Putting it all on the table
Like here
Like this
This is me
And having a great fucking time with it
Giving it a real go
Top to bottom 

When that stops 
So does everything else

For me

It starts there

All I've been trying to say

Is that I'm right
Not because I want to be
Or like to be
Not because I'm trying to win at anything
Or anyone
But because I see things with my heart
And sometimes your so busy 
Working at living 
That your forgetting to live
In your heart


Sun is Shining -Bob Marley


When you looked at me

With that look in your face
That you didn't approve
That something was wrong
That's when I knew
I know it
I've given it
And I understand very well, that sometimes
That's all it takes
To completely end it
Not because I've wanted it to
But because sometimes that's all it takes

My heart

I follow it

Not because the books taught me
Not because the law tells me
Not because the voices in my head (of the people that I've heard said)
Not for any particular reason at all even
Just that my heart told me too, it always tells me....

Pure and simple
And if we could do that
If I could do that
At every instant
It would all be glorious

Wouldn't it?
All we need is love

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

All everyone really wants

I want you to know where I am
The sun is shining ...where I stand

Bob Marley -Sun is Shining

Sexual Deviancy

Nothing happens in a glass bubble in life, in a sealed vacuumless chamber. Life is complicated. People are complicated. 

Why do we have help at the ready for everything imaginable; from sweaty palms to addiction, from acne to mania? There's a pill, a cure, a program, something to try, some process to go through.

But unless you're in the criminal system there really are no "services" for the sexually depraved; pedophiles, necrophiliacs, rapists, and so many more. 

Are we to believe that they don't exist unless they have entered the system?  That's just outright laughable. Of any crime only a small percentage ever get caught, which goes to stand that the majority of "offenders" have not been caught and possible may never be "caught" in the system. Yet these are still; brothers, fathers, mothers, daughters, uncles, teachers, employers, priests, librarians, etc, etc, etc.

Ever take a look at the dark web?  All kinds of degenerates* on there. Yes. Law enforcement tries to curtail it and they do get lucky here and there, but it still leaves the majority of people not caught. And some of these people maybe would possibly consider help if it was available. Don't you think?  Have you ever had an addiction and wanted to get out of it?  It's damn hard. Sometimes you need help. 

Yet this segment of society; one of the most harmful ones is left to fend for themselves. The only help they probably get from each other is support to continue (I'm assuming).

Yes. It's scary. To think that these people are there, mixed among us, part of our every day life, targeting the most vulnerable among us. But ignoring them isn't the answer. 

Isn't it about time we took off our fucking blinders and addressed this segment that also needs compassion. They became who they became for a reason. Something happened to them. No one grows up saying "I want to be a monster" unless they have been conditioned that way.  Remember every baby you've ever seen and tell me please if they reminded you of pure evil or pure goodness and no; not the ones crying on the plane next to you (or similar situation). Those don't count. Lol


I wondered tonight to myself if there is any correlation between our societies obsession with youth and a rise in pedophilia?

"Love is my Religion" - acoustic version Ziggy Marley

*too strong a word maybe???  when I find just the right word I'll change it. 

Sad World

It's a true travesty when the people that care the most. The ones that are doing the most work, from the ground up, hitting the pavement trying to make a difference, be the change, make this world a better place are killed. 

I read a report that said that 700 environmentalist had been killed in one decade and I believe those stats are old and that the bloodshed has only gotten worse. 

Who will save us?  Who will save the planet if we keep killing the only ones willing to do the actual hard work it will take to make it happen?  

God no!!!

We need to step away from technology. I mean sure it's great. It's useful. It's expeditious. But the control it has over our lives is ridiculous. 

Take Eric Pickersgill's artist renditions of people in (simulated?) real life situations with their devices taken from their hands. 

Now add to that Farhad Manjoo's report on virtual reality goggles coming to you for every day use. 


Like what in the world are we doing?  We are escaping life and by so doing so we are escaping living. For what?  Some illusion of safety?  Some illusion of happiness?  We are social creatures. Watch the documentary "happy". We need human interaction to be deeply, truly happy. Get that shit out of your hand and go fucking live your life, in REAL surround sound.  

Wouldn't it be great!

Wouldn't it be fucking fantastic
If you always knew the truth
No matter who was lying
No matter the altering motives
No matter the cause, the case, the clause
And to know why!!!!!!

So many times in life we have no fucking clue why shit happens the way it does
No clue
Even sometimes when we think we do
We really don't

That's why I am trying to learn the "Silva Method", because if it does what it says it can do then we don't have to live in fear anymore. We don't have to live afraid. 
We don't have to live any lies. 
And God fucking Christ
Wouldn't that be spectacular. 

i didn't ask for any of this

I didn't ask for this sadness
I didn't ask for these problems
I didn't ask for this loneliness
I really didn't 
Yet here I am
Here we are
And what can we do about it
We can only keep going
There is no one right
Or one wrong way
To go about all this go abouting
All we can do is keep trudging through it
Day by day
Minute by minute
Moment by moment
Hoping we are doing the best we can
Along the way