Monday, June 13, 2016

Bloggers of truth

A blogger may be the absolute bet place to find truth if you think about it.  There is absolutely nothing to gain, right?  If you have no advertisers, no money involved, no fame/notoriety/vanity/insecurity.

God, we're all so insecure, aren't we.  I mean that's what it all comes down to.  It's like this constant asking... "Do you like me", "Do you love me", "Am I ok"? "Are you ok", "Is everything ok", just constant stress.  And I can see, it doesn't have to be this way.

You just have to NOT play the games, any of them, ever, at all.  Play the chords your heart tells you to.

I love this song.  I always love one song at one time or another.  If you don't mind, not that I'm assuming you would (whoever chances upon ever reading this) I will catalogue the songs that enthrall  me as I go, so I can have see how I was, when I was, as I go along changing.

GRACE Vanderwaal - I don't know my name

Sunday, June 12, 2016

So saddened by today's massacre

It's so sad that one person full of hatred can devastate so many lives.  This goes beyond however one might feel about homosexuality. 50 lives were taken today; sons, grandsons, uncles, friends, people that were loved, that had value.

I think it is time we each take it upon ourselves to be a force for good in the world. I mean sure, we can't all be Mother Teresa's or Nicholas Winton's, but we can make a difference. If we want the world to change we must start right where we are, right now.

The world is full of so many caring people who want to get involved, who want things to be different. It's people like us that must be the force of change in this world.

There's a famous Buddhist story of a woman who went to a monastery for a retreat and on the first day she went into the temple to pray she saw a filthy mop in muddled water at the entrance. She scoffed at it. The second day she got angered saying "what kind of place is this?".  The third day she asked someone "why hasn't this been cleaned?" and the response she got was "who better than you to fix it" and she took it upon herself to clean it and put it away.

That is what each and every one of us must do. We need to stop waiting for someone else to fix what's wrong. We need to find those things that bother us the most, that we are most passionate about and go "fix it", go make a difference.  We may not be able to change the world in one fell swoop; but it's got to start somewhere. Where better to start than with conscientious, caring people like us?  It takes action to combat the evils of world and they have a huge head start. So let's get going!!!  ;)