They are such humble people
They may talk a tiny bit of shit behind your back with each other
But they have such good hearts
They have such kind spirits
I honestly never felt like they meant a word of it in evil
It was just funny is all
It was just funny is all
If it was even said
Sure of course not all
No totalitarian statement
ever rings of pure truth
But I do believe mostly
That's why it saddens me to see that they are beheading people
If the Filipinos are doing it
Then our world economy is in most seriously danger
And as we sit here drinking martinis and craft beer
This world annihilation is going to seem to creep up out of no where and bite us all in the ass
And to think
All it would take is caring
But instead
We're so intent on controlling
On how it can benefit corporate America
That's what our politicians are doing
You think they're just raping you
You think they are only bending us over
With their forced vaccinations
Their poisoning of our food chain
Their making us codependent on pharmaceuticals
Desecrating our lands
You think only we are the recipients of our governments greed
We're the LAST in line
They started all over the globe first
Then they thought. Hey...why not our own
Why not profit from our own
And there you have it
Foreign politics
In one easy lesson