Sunday, July 3, 2016

Stop stressing

It's easier to be nice
When you aren't stressed out
But if you let it
Which is easy to do
Since life seems to be set up that way
Then stress can lead you to behave unkind
Very unkind
And at the end of the day
That stress
Has now served no one well
Not yourself
Not those you've encountered
It's like a death spiral
To all concerned

So we've got to learn to manage our stress
Not by popping pills
Drinking alcohol
spending money on things
Or many other a vice
But by finding loving ways to show kindness to ourselves
A book
Quiet time to ourselves
A relaxed meal
A nutritious feast
Pure water to hydrate with
A long bath
A good talk with a loved one
A loving pet 
So many ways to skip the stress in life
If you look for them
If you make it a priority
And what better thing to prioritize
Than your health
Your happiness
You life
Your world 

Animal instinct vs God

(In my opinion)
If I didn't believe in God
In the force that unites us all
With all of nature
With all animals
And all beings on this planet
(And most probably beyond 😉)
Then all I have to fall back on
As my purpose in life
That I've been able to prove for myself
Is to procreate and not die
So I can take care of my young and hopefully their young
That would be my only truly worthwhile endeavor
Instinctual and primal as that may be
And it leaves out all the glory of being alive
the energy that connects us all
The miracle of life and living
The deep honor to experience
What we are meant to experience
To accept the life we have
The work we've been put here to do
We can not forget
God wants us to celebrate life with love
At all times
In all ways
For all
To celebrate giving of yourself completely to Gods bidding. Of being a true force for good in the world. In your world. In the only way you could possibly do it. Because no one else is you. And only you can do what needs to be done by you.  And no one can determine what that is exactly. No one can say what your gift is to the world but you and God working together. Making life magical for yourself and everyone else around you. You just have to listen.

That's what I believe. It's my belief. Maybe my belief alone. I don't know. I don't really care honestly. I can stand alone. Or the world can stand with me. There is happiness in numbers, true. But the deepest happiness lies in being true to oneself and that is what I am doing. Now. Here. With you.