It's not that I want to lie to you
It's not that I'm trying to deceive you
I really am not
I'm simply
trying the best I can
Without offending you
Or coming off as a heretic
To tell you
That there are other ways
That there isn't just one
Expectable way
There are many ways
And no one way
Is always
100% always correct
I don't care
Who you follow
What religion you believe
What science you studied
What reality you adhere to
There are so many ways
To look at one thing
That to adhere to only way
One way to look at it
One way to respond to it
And that's all I want you to open your eyes to
I'm sorry
That because I don't buy into it
That I don't adhere to the rules
And regulations
That I don't believe
In any only one way
I have to behave
In such a way that makes you believe I'm lying
But if you look deeper
You'll see I really haven't been.
I just didn't want you to feel bad
I didn't want you to question anything
Without sounding like an imbecile
I just want to be here for your ride
I want to share in your journey
But that doesn't mean
That I believe all that you believe
Or want to adhere to all the rules
You adhere to
We all beat to our own drum
Each culture
Each sex
Each person
Has their own drum
I don't want to tear yours down
So please
I'm begging you
Leave mine alone