Saturday, July 30, 2016

Gotta be happy

I'm not bitter

You'd think I could be

Would be

Because of the errors I've made in my life

And the consequences I've had to suffer

Sometimes not even caused by me

But no

I'm really not

Because it is what it is

There is no changing the past

There is only accepting it

learning from it

And moving on

To make today and hopefully tomorrow too

A better place

And time 


Turkey just had an attempted coup, right?

They captured thousands of people and then shortly thereafter released a great majority (I believe) of them.*. Most probably because the infrastructure isn't in place to detain them. How do they get fed?  Where do they get housed?  Who houses them when they are brothers, sisters, moms and dads, family and friends of those challenged to detain them?

The US is probably one of the few superpower countries to have such a plan already prepared for. To have the infrastructure to detain a great many of its own citizens (if the government and military see fit to it). It's a scary thought really. All this violence. All this hate. All these killings. All because when you give people power they abuse it for the benefit of the very few (if not a party of just one even) and not for the grand whole or even those most closely involved.**

*the article I was reason on it bugged out but I wanted to get my thoughts down

**at least that seems to be the case a good majority of the time. Not always though. Thank God!