Sunday, August 7, 2016


The Shit Show

Once the veneer cracks on something

it (generally speaking) loses its value


perhaps that can be said about most objects


But life

Isn't like that

You can't just write off people, things or places

Because they aren't working for you anymore

because maybe part of the problem is you

or maybe you are part of the solution

and wherever or with whoever


you find yourself

there will be problems there as well

There is no Shangri-La

in this world

Because trust me that even there

Shit needs to be dealt with


and literally

So it's better to just look around you

take a harsh deep look at the Shit Show

that surrounds you now

and make the most of it

by first accepting it

and then by finding your own slice of peace and happiness within it

however that looks for you

Let your rainbow shine

amidst the storm!!

and welcome once more

to your own personal

Shit Show!

I ain't saying it's all bad

it might be quite fine

all I'm saying is that you gotta take your life by the horns

and deal with it head on

if you want any bit of happiness

any bit of peace

if you want to lay your head down

knowing you did the right thing

at the end of the day

knowing you did all you could

and that my friend

is what heaven is all about

So I repeat!

Welcome to the Shit Show!

Get out of my fucking head

Here's the thing

Advertisers and sellers

Have tried for decades

To get inside your head

And use every power they had

To sell you stuff

Welcome to capitalism

But the tools they had were fairly rudimentary.

(Thank God they made subliminal messaging illegal*, although I'm sure some advertisers still use it)

But now people like

Apple (phone companies)

Google (internet companies)

And add in the government for good measure**

They have the upper hand

With your devices

They know all about you

Every nuance of it

Not only what you display to the world

But even all those dirty little secrets

You think you're hiding so well

From the world


They have access to it all

If you digitalized it

They've analyzed it

If you've said anything near your phone

and have any Google app on it

Then they've maybe heard it

And recorded it



Ain't it grand


To the big brother (digital) age

Because (maybe) the government has to jump through a few tiny hoops to get to you now

But those instances are getting fewer and farther between

They've slowly been eroding any and all of your rights

So that soon (if not already)

They will have any information about you they want

Any time they want it

And worse

For any reason whatsoever

Even no reason at all

If only that power could be harnessed for good...imagine that?

Now given how horrible most bureaucracies and governments run

Do you really want all of your everything

right out there

For any government worker to access

And use against you

In any instance

Any time they want to

Doesn't seem quite right

For one: I am honorable

If I see it's for good reason

I will gladly hand all information needed

If I thought I was pertinent to National Security

and secondly

If it's all going to be out there

Then it should be accessible to everyone (not just those in power)

I'd love to look at Hillary Clintons emails myself

See what all the kerfuffle is about

What's that story really about?

Did she really say some highly classified government information

Over  an "unencrypted" email system.

But how encrypted do we have to be here people

Isn't everything hackable?

I just hate the hypocrisy

Of government

Of the military

Of religion

Of most institutions***.

Get over yourselves

All this fear mongering

To take away our rights

To sell us things we don't need

To want to make us believe things

that simply aren't true****

It's go to stop

* at least I hope it's still illegal

** because like you don't think they're gonna want to spy on their own citizens. I'm so sure. Let me sell you a bridge. I got it inherited to me.  Dirt cheap just for you. You caught me on a good day. ;)

***not because I believe each and every person working under or within those organizations is bad, because they obviously aren't inherently bad; they're quite simply only fallibly human just like you and me.  My real issue is that I think the systems themselves are bad. Because these institutions tend to have systems in place that cloak people with a false veil of power and protection, and that this tends to go to people's heads rather easily (see Stanford Prison Experiment if in any doubt).  Of course this applies to all institutions; from corporate america and government to religion and much, much more beyond that.

****Like that GMO's aren't bad for you, mass one-size-fits-all vaccinations are good for society, that you need expensive prescriptions to cure simple auto-immune maladies, disorders and symptoms that home recipes and truly healthy living could cut right out.  That black (or insert immigrant of choice) people are wired for anger, violence, ignorance, bad breeding, and are in need of domestication of some sort, via incarceration if need be. (Which as mentioned in previous blogs only makes the problems it's suppose to solve worse.)  To name but a few mass lies.  (Hey...speaking of.... are those men still being tortured ruthlessly & inhumanely in Guantanamo bay?  Wasn't that before all this shit got going really good in the Middle East?  If that was your child, your uncle, your father, your brother, would you not be angry and do everything you could to seek revenge?  Not me, but I'm just saying...discussion for another day maybe.  Did someone say ISIS?  Shhhhhh.... You're being monitored, remember? lol...... Welcome to the Shit Show!!)