Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The upside to being grumpy

The BBC, who I generally like, published a story by the above same title. While some of the research seemed noteworthy many of the "scientific" evidence seemed more like biased statistics based on assumptions and not facts. Like they picked the title of the story first and then went out looking for anything that could remotely support it.

It's getting to where it's all bullshit. All of it. And we're suppose to believe it and take it on; hook, line and sinker.

I'm no fucking Guinea pig. I'm sick of this shit.

I'm doing the only sane thing left to do in this world

Following my heart

Leading my life with love

And trying to stay on plan to get my dumb ass to heaven.


God willing no time soon

I have grand babies to meet one day

At least 10 years from now

I'm hoping.


I have a crazy thought.

Take away police officers guns.

It will take some getting used to. Keep all the other weaponry. Keep the SWAT team armed. Release all other arms. And done. End of problem. At least that one.  Right?

Then tackle what comes next.


I'm not saying that I hate, despise or am angered at police really
I think their job is hard
And I don't envy them having to look death in the face
Having to see the worst society has to offer
But they have to see too
That we are all human
And the more armed they become
The less human they seem to become
The less able to come to a situation with an open mind
With an open heart
I know it's hard
So hard for anyone
Especially someone in their position of power
To come at people humanely
Even with humility
Seems like an unthinkable act
But that is what it's going to take
And more guns is only going to make things worse
Not better
Never better