Of the people being misled
Of profiteering off of the general public
Of paid for advertisement being sold as public health announcements
I walk into the mall and there are posters advising teens not to smoke pot
Don't get me wrong
I don't want my kid smoking pot
But if I had to chose I'd chose pot over alcohol any day
Hands down
Pot doesn't kill people
Pot isn't a gateway drug like alcohol truly is
Why didn't they have signs warning of heroine
Which is on the rise due to Doctors overprescribing opioids and pharmaceutical companies purposely getting people addicted with incorrect dosage directions.
In Huntington, West Virginia 27 overdoses of heroine happened recently
In 4 hours
You heard me right
One town
4 hours
27 overdoses including 1 death
who knows how many countless others never reported
This is why AIDS is on the rise
Is anyone listening
Is this mike on?