Friday, August 19, 2016


The world can be a harsh place

It can seem full of evils



Bad people


The reality is

That the majority of people

Are just like you

Just trying to live their life

And be happy

They have no bad intentions

They are just doing their own thing

Probably too busy to really even notice you

So when you start to feel bitter








What you must do is

"Double down"

Don't let life close your heart


That seems the easiest solution

That seems the best way to guard yourself

But that is exactly the wrong way

That is exactly what gets us all the problems we have in the world

Is people closing their hearts to others

To life

To the world

Open it up

All the way

Keep it open

Let it bleed out hope

Let it bleed out acceptance

Let it bleed out love

And you will find joy

You will find comfort

Amidst the fray of life

Amidst the chaos of it all

There is a beauty that can only be seen

When your heart is wide open

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Listen up!

Most of you

Are at one time or another

Are going to be sexually assaulted

From the nursing home to the playground

To heaven forbid....your own houses

An intent will be made on your body

To some extent

It seems almost inevitable frankly

So your DUTY

As a woman

A female person

Walking this earth

Is to REPORT this

To whoever necessary

For this to be documented against said person

Because it isn't just about you

This is more than likely a pattern for this person

And you turning a blind eye

Is doing much more harm than good

To everyone

Including yourself

Empower yourself!

Empower other women

Who will soon or have been already

Targets of this person

Let's set the record straight

This happens!

And it has to stop!!!

And it's our job to make it stop

since perpetrators don't seem to have the capacity to Stop it within themselves 

And this goes for all male victims too

Stand up!



And tell the world


"I have nothing to be ashamed of

This isn't about just me

This fucker is out there....beware of him/her"

If we don't band together for each other

Then who the hell will?

This should be taught to all women

To all children

To all people

There are consequences for actions

Good and bad

Such is life

For everyone

Only Karma

Needs a little help sometimes

So lets unite

Against the evils of the world