Friday, August 26, 2016

Hate the invasion (advertising, propaganda & fake news)

You know why I hate you technology

Specifically the Internet (right this second)

And all the evils* it come with it

I hate the invasion

The sanctitude of my solace

With your sales and gimmicks

With your news (that's really just advertising fluffs; like in the porn industry).

With you collecting all the information you can on me and then using it against me to sell me things I don't really want/need, or pursuade me on some issue.

Can you PLEASE

Leave me alone!!!!

I don't mind one neutral and unbiased front page

With news of all the world

In complete truth

And not propaganda

And hidden agendas

Without trying to sell you the lastest, greatest thing

The problem is

That doesn't exist

But all the same

Sometimes I don't mind


I can accept it as part of life

I just try and figure it out as I go along

And other times

It just cuts me to the core

It just starts to feel like I'm always being fucked with

It's like

For Christ's sake

Leave me alone

*and by this I specifically today mean the people selling me shit and wanting to control my information (Google).

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Poor France

Dealing with bombings

Dealing with a large Muslim population

What is the "Soul of France" to do?*


For starters they must not by into this


Then they have to engraciate themselves better

With the Muslim population so that they will oust any rebels

Right now they have more loyalty to other brethren than to the nation as a whole

You must rectify that

Or things will get worse

In that respect

America is lucky to have mostly non middle-east immigrants

Not because they have a propensity towards violence per se

It's that

You just use what you know to affect change.

And some middle easterners have vast experience using arms

Unlike the very pacifistic Hispanics

And the much beaten down blacks

I have respect for the Muslims

For their culture

Sure it may be nothing like mine

But that doesn't make it inherently bad

Or those people inherently bad

The only thing I see as bad is imposing standards for women

That are both not imposed to men

And which women have no choice but to follow

That there is the mistakes I see

Women have no voice

but as far as terrorism and terrorist

Those people start the same as everyone else

But somewhere along the lines

They lost hope

They lost compassion

They lost their humanity

Not because they didn't have it to begin with

But because life beat it out of them

Life can be that way

And if you (especially France)

Take your head out of the sand long enough

You may see how perhaps you had a tiny bit to do with it


Helped ever so minutely

Push that button

*aks Marine Le Pen