Friday, August 26, 2016


Even as Los Angeles actually (in the newspaper) admits to the spraying in the sky having to do with "weather modifications". I refuse to believe that the US government made the torrential mass rainstorm that has caused 7 deaths and millions of dollars in damage to people's homes. I also refuse to believe that they could have possibly (via these modification programs) possibly deterred the rain from falling so devastatingly. 

My heart simply goes out to those poor souls. With a storm that has no name even; so much damage has been had. So many lives turned upside down. Again. In that poor state. After Katrina and the massive oil spills (one after another after another).  It's just heartbreaking.  What these people of this fine state have endured and yet the spirit of the land seems intact. It's no wonder that not a lot of people leave. They rebuild. They simply rebuild. 

Mississippi must be one truly wonderful place; despite Mother Nature and corporate/government idiocy.

I mean sure. Conspiracies could be had. Always. Always. But what good does it do to bother to think about it?  Even if when it comes down to it being the truth no one wants to do anything about it anyway. Right?  Who's out there protesting the oil drilling?  Who's out there protesting the mismanagement of FEMA funds after Katrina?  Is anyone?  Does anyone even care?  They've got everyone so busy surviving. Who has time to care I guess?  Who's out there protecting mankind from the worst of itself; greed and ignorance?  Who?



I love you!

Even if secretly you want to take over the world....maybe still?

I suppose what leader doesn't right?

You are playing a life size version of world dominion or juvenile version of battleship maybe

Are you still wanting to take Ukraine?


But still. As a ruler you are one of my favorite

You gave in to the people

It seems to have taken you a while

Of course

And I'm not sure if you got there from selfish 

or selfless reasons

But got there

Putting the interests of the people first

Banning GMO's

Making the MMR vaccine 3 separate vaccines

Improving the economy

Increasing job pay

You really are a man of the people

And I applaud you that

Have you gone back on Gardasil? (I wonder)

After originally banning it

I hope to God not

But anyway;

I applaud you 

Dear sir

For your kindness

For your kindness to the soul

Of your country

I applaud you

For setting the right example

As a leader

As a world figure

My humble and sincere thanks

I believe Uruguay deserves honors in this respect as well. Yet they aren't marketing as wonderfully as Putin is. I think.