Saturday, September 3, 2016


I hate the ageism in this society

We each have a stage in our lives we are in

Are going through

And we are entitled to enjoy that age for what it brings with it

Whatever that may be

No one age is unequivocally better than any other

And I fear this ageism gets us ever closer to pedophilia

It's bad enough women shave almost all the hair off their bodies

And girls as young as 12 are offered thongs

With the noted absence of "boy shorts" as a style of underwear for girls, because it is no longer available now at target

This ageism has many bad aspects

Terrible ramifications

From the shuffling off of seniors to centers

To the objefication of children as sexual being

And everything in between

I'm sick of it

And it isn't fair to anyone on this hamster wheel

It really isn't.

Beauty throughout the world

I would love to explore the beauties and wonders of the world

To see the people of the world

And all their different cultures

I get a little of that through reading

Through Andrew Zimmern

But to experience it first hand

Is such a thrilling thought

If only

There wasn't so much violence in the world

So much evil

So much hate

So many walls

So many deterrents.

So many reasons why not too

All these stresses and more even

Make leaving ones own house even

At times

Seem like  a daunting task. Lol