Saturday, September 3, 2016

I hate politics

If there is anything I dislike more than organized religions it is politics

And politicians

I wonder

Was there ever a time in history

Of honor amongst all people

Of equality amongst all and for all

Of putting the common good before singular good

And the heart and soul of mankind for mankind came forth

instead of the greed of comfort, power, and fame?

If so put me on the time machine team

I'm ready to go

Wherever and whenever that is

To be truly free

Of all the b.s. we have to put up with in daily life

Colin Kaepernick

I don't care how you feel about what  he is doing

This country was founded on freedom

Freedom of speech

Freedom to protest when one feels wronged

To be heard

To have that voice

Let him have a voice

He is deserving of that

Based on principles you supposedly hold dear

Then let them be demonstrated here

Constitutional rules aren't just to be upheld when we feel like it

With the people we deem fitting

And as convenient for us

Just as the police are here to serve and protect ALL people in this country

Regardless of their personal beliefs

To uphold the law above all else
And apply it equally

Isn't that what we want?

Let's us demonstrate tolerance

If we are ever to achieve any kind of civilized society