Saturday, September 10, 2016

The news is wrong

A lot of times it's wrong

It skews statistics

It doesn't report the truth

If who is at fault

And why

I don't know why

Special interests



Could be a bunch of reasons

I suppose

But the truth is that it does do that

It turns us against each other

And divides us

Much more than unite us

We should talk about all the bad things that can happen

But they should be based on honesty

And integrity

With the greater good in mind

That should be the news


I suppose it is moronic of me to think that

Some stations can carry a semblance of it out

I like CNN's point of view* and the Washington Post's

With the New York Times in there

When did Los Angeles times sell out

Where is everyone else these days

Taken in by the facades?

*Minus all the political bullshit

Saturday, September 3, 2016

I hate politics

If there is anything I dislike more than organized religions it is politics

And politicians

I wonder

Was there ever a time in history

Of honor amongst all people

Of equality amongst all and for all

Of putting the common good before singular good

And the heart and soul of mankind for mankind came forth

instead of the greed of comfort, power, and fame?

If so put me on the time machine team

I'm ready to go

Wherever and whenever that is

To be truly free

Of all the b.s. we have to put up with in daily life