Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Finally learned

I've finally learned some hard lessons in life

For myself

The hard way mostly, unfortunately.

I've learned that forcing people to do things causes deep resentments

And if people can't or don't want to change for their own well being

Or those of the ones they love

Then so be it

Move on if you must

And I've learned

That anything that starts out bad

And begins with lies

Or causing pain to others

Intentionally or not

Can not end well either

Not until rectified at least

These are just my truths

Everyone is entitled to their own experiences

For sure.

Rough week

Makes me feel nostalgic for a time of less stress

Did I have a time?



Not really I guess

There were times of boredom maybe

But never really less stress

Life is stressful

Or it really can be

So I'm learning

Or trying to  master inner peace within myself

To counteract that strong pull

That seems to come from outside forces

Making me waver and get agitated

But I think

If i looks closely

I can see

And sense

That really

It's just me letting myself be carried away by my emotions

And that I don't need to respond to outside forces

In any one particular way

Or at all even

And this

 in and of itself

Provides a great amount of peace

If I let it

But of course

That's one of those

So much easier said than done things