Wednesday, September 21, 2016

America - land of the dumbasses

If I had it my way

Schools would all be run similar to a combination of the Takaharu Tezuka school and a continuation school.

I had the (what I anticipated being a displeasure which actually was more like deep) pleasure of attending a continuation school*

I not only enjoyed it; I thrived. It was just the right environment for my learning style.

I could work at my own pace and if I was stuck I had a teacher/aid to ask for advice

Get diagrams


Work precisely on the exact area I was stuck in

Until I truly understood it

And then move back on at my own pace

I completed workbooks in mere days and not semesters. It was easy and very rewarding. 

I was also given the space to thrive outside academics

Since few of the other students were self motivated or pushed to excel

There was space to grow without having to fight for it

I was easily editor of the school paper

I was asked to participate in essay contests I never even knew existed

I was approached by teachers who cared that I truly cared about knowledge and wanted to engage me and grow my mind

That was a rarity at the high school I went to

With its heavy population and short class duration what is a teacher to do really? They had homework and tests to grade.  They had the stresses of administrators down their throats. 

Of which my teachers had none. The tests they did grade they had ample time to do so during school.  There were few expectations put on them as continuation school was seen as more of a babysitting institution than true academia. 


If I could create a school

That truly engaged children 

And let them learn in their own style

Of which there are at least 3 major differences in learning aptitudes (probably more)

Then children would thrive. 

Creativity would sore

Learning would and could be a byproduct

Not the main goal

Not tests to teach towards

Not agendas to fill

Not reading to stuff down students throats

Not endless problems to correct and show work for

That would all be pointless 

Because once a child truly understands a concept they can move on. Period

Not wait for an ever growing class size to catch up and all be at the same point

Children need to be taught to genuinely love reading. Making them read when they hate reading generally only reinforces hating it. 

Making children do over 100 problems they already completely understand backwards and forwards just makes them overly impatient and grow to dislike math. Even if they originally truly enjoyed it. 

How this doesn't make sense even to the most dense of the politicians making decisions for a field they obviously know way too little about is beyond me?

I don't know everything.  I'm not saying that.  There are obviously true geniuses in the field of education. Like that maverick at Portland State University. I'll have to get her name for clarification. 

My point is that things could be so much better. We could be raising our own world class geniuses here. They are around. I've seen them. They simply aren't fostered. So really. I truly believe we are dropping the ball. All I have to say is that the people running the "education" show now have their head way up their ass'. For sure!

*long story I may one day tell

Pied Piper

I believe that each of us is a Pied Piper

Not in the sense that we carry around a magic flute

And abscond with children when we aren't paid for our services

In the sense that each and every one of us has a very special talent

We have a natural

Some might say even magical

Ability towards something

Unfortunately though

I think most people are too lazy, tired, grumpy, bitter, cynical, untrusting

To go out and figure out what that is

Maybe that heavy metal guy would be a primo ballerina

Maybe that girl would be an earth shattering architect

Maybe that Grandma can cure world hunger

Maybe that disabled child can be a riveting author or comedian

Or who knows really

The possibilities are endless beyond belief

Maybe what you are good at

You have to invent yourself

I don't know

I can't say for you

I can only say for myself

And even then I still haven't figured it out completely

I know one of my great passions is writing

That bring me a measure of happiness virtually unequaled

By any material gains

But I still think there's more out there

More I could do

More joys to find in the world

Which is why I am apt to try most anything

Within reason and/or within my boundaries of fear/safety

Sometimes though 

I still push myself

Out of those boundaries

Because I always find myself surprised

At my own self

At what I can accomplish

When I just try


My wish for everyone

Is to never give up on yourself

To always keep striving

Not in a material way

(God knows that isn't real happiness)

But rather keep pushing the boundaries of your soul

The boundaries of your heart

Boundaries of your boundaries

Until nothing is impossible or

Until you can figure out

How to be your own Pied Piper

At the very least