Friday, September 30, 2016

For you

To all those

Who have treated me kindly

Made a kind gesture

No matter how small

Given me light and hope

In a world that can seem so dark sometimes

To all of you

Strangers, dangers, friends and the likes

I offer you

A moment of peace and love

In your honor

For its in moments such as these

That a life gets defined 


To all those that have misunderstood me

Judged me harshly

Blasphemed against me

Sought to harm me

Take me

Mame me

Subdue subjugate 

I offer you also

A moment of peace 

In honor of your heart

That it may grow so much

It explodes in your chest like firecrackers

Constantly going off*

And for me I offer the same

Because sometimes I am the former to one person

And the latter to another

And sometimes through absolutely no fault of my own

And sometimes simply out of sheer lack of mindfulness

*figuratively (like love fireworks going off for everyone and everything)

No Hard Ears

Is it just me?

Or do your ears literally feel

Like they harden a little when we don't want to hear something

Making it almost impossible to hear it

Because as the ears close

An inner monologue of fear (hate, distrust, anger; whathave you)

Sets in too 

And you're stuck

In your own version of the story

And not the complete story

In all it's messy-emotional entirety