It's got to be the writing
The honing of a skill (I think)
As in just the sheer repetition and learning from mistakes along the way.
The thing about writing in this journal type blog
Is that I'm growing
Ever expanding in all directions
Capable of changing my opinions
The lesser ones to the greater ones
My beliefs
My core system
Is ever changing
As my world expands
As my heart expands
So my life expands
My love
In directions completely unforeseen
And some days
Are some way
And some are another
It's not always the same
At the end of the day though.
The outcome
Has to be peace of mind
For myself
That I did my best
And that I can live with that
Seeking forgiveness where I think it maybe needed
And as importantly with myself
And forgo any accolades in place of actual accomplishments
Towards the good of humanity
Above the good of oneself
Or ones brood
That God is with me in ways big and small
And that I can give it to Thim
Is it too blasphemous for most people or have I named God already and just forgotten. Lol