We have free will
In that we get to chose
Who and what we dedicate our lives to at any given time
Once that conscious (or unconscious) choice has been made
Do we then give up our free will
to that thing?
Be it an addiction
A cause
A person
A God
It's the most beautiful thing really
To have the burden of free will lifted
The weight of wrong and right
Of constant judgement by ourselves and others
When you follow your heart
Follow the path of love
Which truly is the path of least resistance
(When you get out of your own way)
It all becomes so easy
But because you don't normally know ahead of time
What must be done
You never know what will be asked of you.
So then it still remains always your choice to follow your hearts call
So my main question is....
When you follow God's path
Are you truly and completely relinquishing your free will?
I suppose that can be seen as perhaps being the case
But as long as we are true to ourselves
True to our beliefs
Then we will always have free will to fall back on; to question.
When we need/if we need
It isn't blindly doing what we believe God would want
With no say in the matter of our own;
rather I believe It is quite the opposite
It's reflecting on what our hearts desire is
What love dictates for us; through us
And doing that
As best we can
As much as we can
When we can; which theoretically should be always
Therefor I believe that falls in the free will zone; so.....
Free will yourself some peace and happiness
I dare ya!