Saturday, December 3, 2016

Is there hope?


It's an odd thing

This world

How it operates

There's this whole of society

They likes to pretend that deviancy is "other people"

That the "problems" of society is someone else

Not them

Not those they love

But truth be told

We all know a serial rapist, a pedophile, a killer, many seducers, many rapists, many thieves

And so forth and so on.....down the line. (For every "sin" imaginable.)

All of us

Have been touched by this

In our cities, communities; work, and play 

Some in our own houses

Some carry those burdens themselves

Yet because we maintain this false belief 

that it doesn't exist

It isn't us

And/or it won't happen to us

And if it does

We won't talk about it

We won't bring it out into the open

It doesn't get dealt with

It doesn't get looked at

Or rectified in a way that could benefit all of society

It gets marginalized for police to deal with

For the government to step in

And handle in whatever punishing way it can get away with or not get away with

Never to truly help

Never to truly combat the situation itself

But only to bandaid the gaping wound when it happens

And when it finally comes to light


Is there hope for those "deviants"?

Only they themselves have the key to that answer

But as a society we should take a look at the fact

That we are doing nothing to truly help them

In fact society seems poised ever ready to push them more

To inspire them

To create them

In the way in which the world all runs

Based on so much fear

Based on so many falsities

And lies

It's no wonder really that 

There are so many issues on this one tiny little planet


Turning a blind eye by

Obscuring and trying to hide, twist, stretch and/or deny the truth

Is probably the most vile sin of them all

The sin that starts them all


is there hope?

For the sinners?

For the saints?

Is there hope?


I like to believe so

Just not the way it's been going on

Not the way we've been doing it

Not with lies

Of any kind

Even little "white" ones

Why they call them white?

Why call anything anything?

Were that we could all just be psychic

None of these issues could exist

But no one likes being that naked 

And it takes a lot of mastery to learn how to filter it so you're psyche isn't bombarded with other people's emotions and ideas. As an empathy I know that well. 

So. Anyway. 

Who knows?


The Devil

Frankly there's probably only one of those I'd trust to answer that question right this second. 

Can the devil be honest?  Probably. But I never want to find out. 

*what would the most deviant of the deviant have to say?  Would that be inviting the devil to play?  Lol  

We are put on this earth to live the full experience of life.  That seems to mean circumventing the devil and all the evils of the world. Which puts us in very close proximity. Doesn't it?  At the very least. If not completely succumbing to it. We are social creatures. We are creatures that love to play. We are curious and inquisitive, clever and cunning, resourceful and adaptive. And with that comes a strong sense of play; Very strong. So sometimes. When the devil comes calling at the door. Sometimes we can't help but want to go out and play.  How we get out of this I couldn't rightly say. I happen to have an appreciation for the eightfold path though as a possible individual guide post. Is it easy?  No way. But it gets easier. The more you exercise your spiritual muscles. The more power they gain. Like all things. Right?  When done the right way. 

Eightfold path
  1. Right view
  2. Right intention
  3. Right speech
  4. Right action
  5. Right livelihood
  6. Right effort
  7. Right mindfulness
  8. Right concentration

And by right. They mean.  The way of Truth. Love. Peace and acceptance.  Or at least. That's my take. 

No response needed

Don't panic

Easier said than done

I recognize

No matter what happens

No matter what surfaces

You need not have an instant reaction to it

You need not let your mind and emotions jump ahead

of the reasoning in your heart

And your heart

At least mine

Is a light; almost distant drumming

That needs quiet and solace to be truly heard

And understood

Not that you don't want to jump out of the way of a speeding car

Or catch your child as they slip and fall

but barring true life of death immediate response necessary moments

And most often even in those

A few moments of quiet contemplation are perfectly acceptable

And most oft needed to ascertain exactly what one should do

If anything at all

Just because your bated

Or engaged

Doesn't mean you need respond

Or play along

Sometimes just acknowledging the game that is trying to be played

Is quite all that is needed

And nothing else

And absolutely nothing else



When I'm feeling stressed out

I tell myself

"I don't have to say anything"

"I don't need to do anything"

"Absolutely nothing at all"

"No response is mandated"


"I can just be"

"Just be"

And that alone makes me feel a sense of relief

A sense of calm


Does that mean I let people mistreat me or others?

Does that mean I don't duck an object whirling in my direction?

No. it just means I evaluate each situation for what it is

And recognize that more often than not

My response is not needed

Just observing

Just being aware

Just being conscious of what is happening

Seems to be more than enough

Not always

But mostly

And stopping

Mindfully watching

Grasping the entire situation (as best I can given what I know then)

And responding to that directly

In what I believe to be the best way possible

Without letting emotion take the lead

Or my mind talk me into what "should be"

Has saved my life

More times than even a cat could admit to*

*because a cat (supposedly) has 9 lives. Get it?  I love being funny. Although my kids tell me I'm not funny. I laugh!  Doesn't that count?  Here again they say no. But I say yes. So there!  (Insert smile tongue out emoticon here)