Sunday, December 18, 2016

Buy stock

buy stock in kindness

Use it by the bushel

Sprinkle it liberally everywhere you go

To all you meet

Kindness is by far the most underrated virtue

It costs practically and usually literally nothing

Yet can deeply impact people's lives

It is so very important to be kind as much as you can to all you can

Not because of merit points

Not for some recompense

Not to impress or appease

Not to seek anything at all in return

But just because you can

The power you hold to be kind

Is as moving a force as pure evil can be

Save in an opposite direction of course

And to top it off

Because feeling that kind of true power, making a difference and deeply impacting the world may not be enough for some people perhaps

Is that that kindness you feel for others

Has no choice but to radiate within you as well

And shine brightly for yourself

And if you can't see the benefit there

Then I got nothing for ya. Sorry.

Go talk to a real stock broker maybe.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Mantra #1

I am nothing
I am no one
I am everything
I am everyone