Friday, February 10, 2017

So I'm a bit selfish maybe

I live in my own world
Maybe people take it the wrong way
But I don't mean to be exclusionary 
I'm just happy in my own head
And once you cross my path 
I'm happy to entertain you
So long as you don't alter my inner state
If you do I will feel compelled to go back to my inner state as soon as possible
Which will make entertaining you further torturous
I can do it though
And be honest and genuine
But at some point it will physically hurt to do so
Because I won't be enjoying it
If you are making it difficult for me
If you bring happiness 
If you bring your shining light
If you bring your heart
Then I will gladly give you my time
Gladly share with you my space 
As long as I have time to give 
You're just competing with way too many things right now though 
I'm sorry

It's the bane of modern existence

All the conveniences a person can possibly dream of and so little time to really enjoy it all. Pushed, and pushing ourselves to extremes. To survive. To get the things we tell ourselves must be done done. To make the most out of living. 

I stand with the belief that it takes so much less for us to be happy than we think it does and means so much more. And I feel I can at least live that for myself in my deepest innermost soul (since I can't seem to find it much elsewhere). Maybe it would be easier if we all just be quiet more often and slowed the fuck down sometimes.  I really don't get all the fucking blather and riga-ma-role. It's exhausting. It's useless. It ads to the drama of life no real substance. At least not that much as far as I can gather.

Why can't you just love yourself

I've liked almost everyone I've ever me

Or at the very least I've rarely ever felt ill will for anyone

My issues are trying not to mirror unhappiness and /or anger

And not feeling pity or aggravation

Because I can only take so many high horses at a time

And then the facade cracks

And the anger comes forth


Just kidding

It's not a facade at all actually

It's that I have different facets of me

And one facet PMS'

And just gets aggravated at the build up of misogyny

And micro-aggressions

I sense in the world sometimes.

Real or imagined

My real issue I think

is that

I wish you all loved yourselves

And accepted yourselves. Your faults

Forgave yourselves from a place of depth and honesty

And once you have that happiness for yourself

It is very hard to try to keep others from theirs


What am I talking about?

I get so lost

I can see a million ways to the same point

I can see almost all ways

I can see that they can be and are just as valid

Or how they can be also contradicted

Or how the can be seen as abhorrent by supposed "nornal" standards

But they got there for a reason

Everyone gets to where they are for a reason

And once you see that

It becomes almost completely understandable

And even logical

It really does

What do I know though

The few times I've shined my light

Super bright for others to see

It hasn't always been met so well by all

It's been met mostly by fear

Their own fear projections

Either for myself

Or for themselves

 or worse yet

It's been met with jealously

Maybe I've just got to commit to it

No. I don't know actually what exactly it would take.

I venture to say that I need to slow down

I need to take life one moment at a time and that

No matter how much time it takes

No matter what gets missed

Or what does gets done and attended to

That I truly let go of all the unnecessary

No more future

No more past


It's a glorious way to be

When we all pitch in

And help each other out

Work together

Really get to know each other

And accept each other

Does the devil gain more power by having it concentrated

All to itself (himself?)

Or by dividing it amongst us humans

I don't know if I want to know