Wednesday, April 19, 2017


The most incredible thing about children

Is that it can be customary for them to say things

That can blow you out of the water

With their truth

Their profoundness

The way they can see far beyond our meager eyes

And then they can say shit

I can laugh at that

No matter how much you want it to be a him

It will never be

I'm sorry

I'm just isn't.

God is neither male nor female

And yet it's both

At the same time

And no I don't mean transgender

And that you feel you have to fight so hard to protect that falsehood

Is just the saddest (sadist?) part of it all

Not that there isn't even worse atrocities

Born from religious power

Liberated I dream to be

There's two kinds of in use addicts

The addicts that succumb to a drug that is just nearly impossible to avoid addiction to. The kind that even takes your grandma.

Then there's the kind that people just give in to. That they realize they don't want to try and control anymore. Be it food, alcohol, gambling; etc.

At the least. And there's probably millions of versions of coping addicts.

That's the thing. In my opinion. ONLY!!*

Addicts are very sensitive people who have not learned to cope with their own hearts. They haven't learned to follow their heart because their heart has led them so many times to pain.

I heard something beautiful today. Something to the effects of**:

Shoulder the pain.
Give in to the unknown
And watch the miracles unfold
What yourself blossom
Like a butterfly
Out of the cocoon

You can not stop the pain
As long as you are in this world
You will know suffering
Embrace it for what it is
The human experience
Just let go
Let it all go
And then
And then alone
You will be liberated

*I stand behind what I say. Take that however you want.

**actually. Only the first two of her first sentences am I butchering here. The rest was what I was thinking of when she said it. Kinda. Lol