Monday, May 1, 2017


i love being naked

If I could I would do it full time*

Why do we live in a society obsessed with clothing our bodies

And yet so sexually oppressed.


Who knows

But it's like I tell my daughters

It seems to be an unfortunate truth

That you can't go showing your ho-has (who-ha's)

Because some are too easily excitable

And then turn into those "mine...mine" birds in "Finding Nemo?"

What I also tell them is that unfortunately

There are even other people

That need no provocation at all

That's just their default state

And it doesn't matter sometimes if you let your guard down or not

They'll try and take it

So the best you can do

Is follow your heart

And don't drink too much or do harsh drugs

Because that's just asking for trouble

(Said for good reason)


Covering as needed for comfort with blankets or robes

Snuggies all around


We own absolutely nothing in this life


Except for one thing

for our own reactions

We don't own these humanoid cells

We walk around in

Except as they are given to us

Except for how well we treat them

And they are treated by the universe

But we alone

Have the power or our intentions

The power of our actions

Let those be positive


That's all I'm trying to say here.

Is there a light on anywhere?


This reminds me of reoccurring a dream I have

Even now

Although I had it very much more often as a child

It was that I was in a house

Familiar usually

And it was dark

Sometimes coming or going out of a room

Sometimes not

And I go to turn on the light

And nothing

I try another light and noThing

And it is pitch dark

I can sometimes very marginally

See the shadows of objects

Not sure if from memory

Actually seeing it

Or it just being in my minds eyes

But not clear enough to keep the fear at bay

And I go into a panic mode

Trying to find light

And I don't have a clear expectation

Of evil

Or harm

Just this overwhelming sense of dread and fear

Suffocating me

Keeping me from thinking clearly

Speeding up my body

Burning my adrenals

The fear overtakes me completely