Thursday, May 4, 2017

Greatest talent

I'm smart

Above average intelligence (if you want to go by a few tests)

Most would say pretty probably

Not gorgeous necessarily


Sensual even sometimes

But what I feel is my greatest attribute

Is the ability to connect with other people

On a deeper level than the superficial nonsense

We all play through all day long

The thing is that

To be at that level of vulnerability

Involves a deep strength

That I haven't quite mastered yet full-time


A lot of that time I play along

With fun

And lightness

Or so is the aim

With melancholy and seriousness

When I can't quite get even there


When I smirk when I've "gotten my way"

It isn't a smirk of "ha, ha", bragging, teasing, manipulation or what have you

It's a smirk of that "this feels right" juice flowing through me

If it came with a thank you

Accept that it was heart felt.

Because as a girl

A natural born nurturer

Know that I've given in 100 times more than this one (mild exaggeration with most people)

In ways you will never fully know.

So yea. Let me smirk sometimes.