Friday, May 26, 2017

Only God

Isn't it only God who holds the ultimate judgement

Who am I to impose rule and sentence to someone?

And why would I want to

Where would it end?

To who can I?

To whom must I?

On what basis?

Who's to judge that?


Isn't it?

Now do this

Every day

Every moment

With everyone you know and meet

That's hell

A special kind of hell; to me


I am allowed to be who I am

That's the glory of life

The glory of living

Is bringing my own originality to the game

Being true to myself


I only mean the best for everyone

That I would never hurt anyone

Or anything



Or purposely

But let us humans forgive ourselves our fallibility

As long as we resolve and prove to be honest

From there on


One of

 maybe my only truly great features

Is that I am always honest

Maybe I throw in more small talk and showmanship
 than I at that exact moment would like to

But that's it.....really

Never trying to hurt


Not myself

Not someone else


No matter the circumstances

I haven't encountered the circumstances that could dictate me purposely to do so

And I hope I never do meet up with those

But I do realize that even those tiny inflagrances is unacceptable.

We must be completely honest



Although. Truth be told. I have seen those circumstances before. When I tried to commit suicide decades ago. The loss of hope. Was catastrophically horrendous and I can't do that again. Hope is my default now and some days it's the only thing keeping me sane.