Thursday, June 22, 2017

Nothing. No One

I am nothing

I am no one

I may have claimed to be

But I was wrong

It's not being disparaging

It's with the deep understanding that

This life is but a window of the soul

The eternal soul

And how I chose to revere that

Within myself

And within all others

Is the only control I have

And I alone without this soul

Am absolutely nothing

And I alone with this soul

Am still nothing; because

The soul can stand alone

Without this facade

The mask

The idiocy of time and space

The soul is beyond it all

And so how can I be more than it?

When I am but a microscopic vestibule

A tiny glimpse of its glory

An infitesimal drop in the neverendig ocean of its current

I am empty without its life force

And with it

I am its magnitude encapsulated

Almost as an atomic bomb

It is everything

If we only grasped that enormous power surging within

Then you would see

As clearly as I do

That I am nothing

This is nothing

I am no one

There is a place of only God

Of only love

Of infinite compassion

Of infinite belonging

Where the true soul calls home


We have that within us

We brought this with us

to this experience

Each and every one

And if we could just let that part out

Foster that light

Foster that love

We'd see who we truly are

Who we truly have been

Who we were before

And can be again

We could see that as clear as the glorious full moon in the clear night sky

Sunday, June 18, 2017


I just want to navigate upon the breeze

Whether that be the warm summer flower perfumed air or the gust of the torrential seas. 

I just want to be let be. 

Why is that too much to ask?

I'm not saying don't help me

I'm not saying to disregard me completely

I'm saying

Don't impose yourself upon me