Friday, June 30, 2017

Here's the thing about it

The thing about racism and genderism agism and abnormalism*, politicism**

Is that even their mere presence boils under the skin of some people

They want it eradicated

Completely from Existence

Or worse maybe

Under complete dominion for whatever cause it may be

Like animals (I suppose)

But no one wants to be an animal all of the time

No matter how guilded the cage.


We are born supreme beings of light and love

All these trivialities are beneath our very essence

And while it may be fun playing some of the games we play

At what cost?

At what cost to you?

To your very soul!

Your very happiness!!

Just return to your true heart

Whatever that may be

Be true to it

Someway. Somehow.

We have to finally figure out how to let each other be

How to lift each other up

Instead of tearing each other down

It starts with oneself

Lift yourself up

And then as much as you can

Whenever you can

In all circumstances you find

Possible or impossible

Lift them up as well

Lift everyone up

They just may need a different glance

To reach back to their heart again


I'm just going to let you be

I'm going to try

As sometimes being human I fail

Please try and let me be as well

Really try

And just support me

As I will try to support you

No matter who you may be

That day

*yes being against people that don't follow the "norm".

**the politifying justification of things that are truly evil

I lied

I lied when I said that some genetic modification is ok

Upon further contemplating

It isn't ok

And this is my same stance on abortion

Who is to be the giver



Of life and death

On what is "better" or "best"*

Ultimately only God

Although this theory would seem to contradict emergency life saving medical intervention as well

And that just seems cruel

To not save someone if we can


They want to be saved

But I still right now say

That we shouldn't be messing so much with Mother Nature

We should be finding ways to heel ourselves

The planet

To assist with the giving of life

Not with the taking

Unless absolutely necessary and cleared with any other parties involved

The animal gives itself to sacrifice to feed

If asked and let to do so

Ask any native subsistent living hunter and they will probably agree wholeheartedly


*that isn't to say we don't make changes and Improve the world. It means that we only proceed to the benefit of all. We proceed for the benefit of all life and lives involved. Genetic modification leads to frankenfood. Food we haven't studied long term enough. Food that short term produces bad results.  I talked to a pig farmer who told me himself that his pigs were sick off the gm corn and it wasn't until he started feeding them non-gmo feed that they got better and healthy. The proof is in the science. Science should not be political or corrupted and manipulated for gain, power and profit. Knowledge should be for all. Open source is the only way to go. And if that means our "enemies" use it for gain then we aren't being good fellow earth citizens and negotiators. There can always be a win/win maybe with small compromises for both parties, but to mutually agreed upon happiness as well. Life should not be about the oppressor and the oppressed. I'm so sick of that viewpoint. I'm sorry but I don't want to live that script anymore. I just don't.

Even being sick and in pain feels like an oppression to me

And I'm tire of it

Maybe letting go of caring about it won't make it better

Although I venture to say it has a better chance than anything else I have been trying

But at least I will be happy


I will be at peace