Saturday, July 22, 2017

Trying not to get swept up

In the frenzy of it all

Keeping my eyes open

My heart open

My mouth shut (as much as possible)

And my fight or flight instinct in check

The world seems to be in such chaos

It has probably always been this way



Contact flux

I can see it as positive

I can see it as negative

Or I can just let it be

And do what I need to do

Walk the steps I need to walk

Help where I can help

How I can help

Starting in a concentric circle

Helping myself be healthy and happy



Helping my children

My friends




All I can

When I can

How I can

It's not saving the world

Or is it?

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Yo sé que da miedo

pero no valle vivir una vida

Que no se vivió


Ábrete a la vida

Ábrete a el amor

Dios está allí para sostenerte

Dios está aquí


En donde sea

Que te encuentres

Allí esta Dios también


Y si crees eso

Con toda tu alma

No hay porque tener miedo.
