Saturday, November 4, 2017

Women. Don’t do it


Don’t let any doubts

Harm your self esteem

And lead you to self sabotage

Or worse

Letting yourself be abused


Own it

Just own it all

We ALL have our pluses and minuses

Who gives a fuck?

I’m sure some make-up commercial has said this somewhere

Better and flashier than I


Be bold

Be true

Be you

Have No fear

You are safe here

Your soul is already part of God

You are already

Part of heaven

Making you kind of like an angel

.......After all

Let’s just say...for shits and giggles

That there is some world order

That they do want to kill off the majority of the population

Haven’t they ever read a fucking book beyond how to screw people over,

And get what you want always,

How you want it?

Yea. We all want that.

No! Reality check.

That’s not how this thing called life works.

No one is self sufficient in this world

Until you’ve reached legit God status*

Not this power mongering bullshit power you people toss around

To each other like pancakes


If that were really the point

Why not just let people know

The fucking truth?

Maybe another planet. Another ecosphere isn’t out of the question.

But let the people

The brilliant minds of the world

Along with the regular women, men and children.

figure it out

Something That truly benefits everyone

When given a chance

We really can


All together!!


Wouldn’t they be able to see that?

That we are all intricately connected

Like the butterfly affect

Only not so fucking creepy

They would stop trying to keep us separated



Against each other

Killing the soil

Destroying the air

Polluting the water

They would see that they belong to this microcosm too

Would they really think all that evil spread out into the world wouldn’t penetrate their glass cages?  How in the world could they not care about their own environment?  How could they not care about what is ultimately their own life as well?  Even the bubble boy doesn’t live in one single bubble alone (figuratively).**


Read Douglas Adams “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” series

*Which so few seem to. Once a millennia maybe. It seems. Maybe we are long overdue. Amma could you be one?  I’m on the hunt to meet all of you?  If you exist which I believe you do. I believe you exist in a network I have only been privy to here and there. I am looking for you. I suppose it’s always better to first find you within. Lol

**no. I find that so hard to believe that the only way I could see that being true is if they were not human at all, but beings from another world that when they finish playing here will go on back to where they came or play somewhere else instead. Now that would make a good movie!  Not sure the end. Suppose it should have a happy ending thrown in. Who doesn’t like those?  And that’s an even messier conspiracy than the first one. Mwahahahahahaha. Yet it makes more sense to me than idiot humans killing off their own habitat. That makes no sense at all!!!!