I am deeply against religion. I find it a vehicle for many of the worlds worst evils. I find it usually masquerades as one thing and is actually something much more sinister and vial. I think it is worst than politics and politicians, war and those that command it. To take something that at heart should be a good thing and use it to wield power, to control masses, for personal profit and to commit sins and violence against humanity. Is there anything worse?
And yet.....
I consider myself a very deeply spiritual person. I talk about God and other religious figures here frequently, but in my daily life I never mention them. Probably because to me spirituality is almost too deeply personal and real. It isn't something to just give lip service to. To bring up when I need something or to gain approval from others. My relationship with God is something I hold very dear and I don't have to prove it or explain it or demonstrate it to anyone. Thankfully.
I don't have to parade it around like a badge of honor. I don't have to use God's name in every sentence I speak. I honor God more by my happy, loving silence than by shouting out 100 Our Father's by rote. This seems lost to some people. Other's even find it offensive, which makes me laugh so hard. How can one consider themselves to be "from the Kingdom of God" and be filled with rabid hate and judgment? It makes no sense to me. But I don't discount their intentions. Who am I to judge? I'm just glad not to have been given that duty.
I believe in God, but I agree, Religion often puts down more people than it provides comfort for.