Thursday, July 21, 2016

Doesn't everyone?

I'm not dying
Not that I know of
Except to the extent of any other person
Let's Say I'm in the middle of the curve maybe
But doesn't everyone on their deathbed
Want to say
Like in the Frank Sinatra song
"I did it my way"

I know I do

And that way

Is hurting the least people possible

And loving and helping all those I can

Along the way

If I can

In any which way that I can

And hopefully in a way most beneficial to them*


And yet so hard

* i always hate (but totally understand) when people help in the way they want to help, but not necessarily in the way help is needed.  I did that once, or very recently I should say, when I offered gently used toys and clothes to this homeless encampment and they told me they didn't need that. That they needed real necessities; food, water, sundries and money. It was honest. Why accept something not needed?  I need to find somewhere else that can use those things; because that need is out there somewhere.

I'm an idiot.

I never say never

And I love to have a good time

I love to meet people

I love to see the world.

I love to let myself live

With my heart leading the way

I know that scares people

They want me to be logical

And Jason was my "logical" sometimes

My sounding board.

That's how it should be right?

Marriage should be about

Loving and supporting you spouse

In whatever they are going through

And showing up

For the "shit show"

No matter what it looks like

And guiding them gently


Being on their side


At least trying

And he did that well sometimes

I'm going to miss that part of marriage