If I start to be fake
Just stop me
Point blank
I promise
I won't kill you
I won't harm you
I won't put you down even
(That's true like 99.9% of the time or close to that ;) smiley wink emoticon here if I could....I am still fallible and human just like everyone else)
I might make fun of your seriousness though
If I need to
Life should be fun sometimes!!!!
As much as humanly possible
Without putting anyone in harm*
So if I poke fun
It is because I just don't see the harm
Without scaring me
If I am in the wrong direction
Just point it out
Not with anger
Not with hate
But with love
Joke with me
I'll joke with you
Let's all walk through life as friends
That is how I live my life
And it's how I wish more people lived
We'd all have so much fun
If it were that way
All of us caring
For ourselves
And for each other
(Just like in the plane crash situation-when helping out a fellow passenger- you put the air mask on yourself first and then go help another, unless your compelled otherwise that is; sometimes a person knows right from wrong better than science does).
*And I mean anyone and also yes anything
I'm not trying to make it hard. Why people think this is hard is beyond me. We are part of everything. Everything is part of us. We all come from God Source/Energy. We are all from this light. The light of love. Everything. Everyone. And it is so sad that we can't see that. If we could open ourselves up to that beauty life would be so much more enjoyable. It really would be. If you let it be. If you embrace it all...with love.
I am compelled to write. It helps me digest and interpret my ruminations. Here I present them in complete truth.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
I've always been
I've always been one of these kinds of people that will find a way.
Tell me what needs to be done and I'll do it
I'll put myself out there if I care enough.
And most of the time.
Truth be told no matter who you are.
I care enough
I just do.
Even if that puts me in harms way
(explanation for strangers)
Because right now
This second
For whatever reason.
I'm sharing this life experience with you
And good or bad
I plan to be here
Truly living it
Every single moment I can
And the best way I've found to live it
Is through love
You know though;
You aren't quite sure
What is reality and what is not
Sometimes there are nuances to life
That One isn't exposed to
One isn't quite aware of
Think of the day you found out about the "dark web" for instance
Weren't you like
(End of explanation)
I can't be all things to all people is the thing
My first and foremost obligation is to my heart
To God
Then myself and my children
(Like on the plane when it goes down "to first put on your mask-parent/guardian; then the child's")
Then everyone else in a close almost dead heat with everyone else
All we can do
All I can do
is honor God with my life
God who came before us
And will reign after us
God to which we go when we die
And from whom we came from
Our mother/father so to say
Our created/creator*
*I know that humans seem to be hard wired for religion; for the belief in something greater than ourselves. And I salute that. It's called an instinct. I know. Go figure. Science. Like the instinct to love. Like the instinct to procreate. Like the instinct to congregate. They are called ANIMAL INSTINCTS. OMG. Didn't you get the memo. We are animals. Someone catch that woman. She's about to faint. No sir. Don't hurt me. It's the truth. We are animals. We have instincts. It is science. And one of these instincts is to believe in God. Like it or not. All of our instincts come from our need to survive. So then. God is necessary for our very survival. Like the fight or flight response.*** Hmmmm. Gee. Scientifically proven to be good for us. Better than all the vitamins and minerals of the world combined; one would think as those aren't always instinctual per se. (Like eating sand can be).
Then let's try to really find God. Let's try to really live by God. Whatever God we want to believe in. Let us really embrace that truth and live it. Model it. Be a beacon of light for the God that we need/want to believe in to survive. Hey. I'm happy. I can live with that. In fact the thought makes me giddy** with happiness. It really does!!! So here is where.....(big gasp for emphasis) Science needs to embrace God. Yep. I said it. Drop the mike!
**giddy meant excusively in a good way
*** don't even try to tell me (old banker mans voice like in Mary Poppins) "in today's society the fight or flight instinct is a hinderance". Yea tell that to the million of people walking around the planet saved by it. It's an instinct. We need it. Stop telling me what I need and don't need. I'm not breaking a law. I'll decide. That's what I hate about science. It's just more laws. Because gee........between the government and every day social norms don't we have enough laws already. Why put more on me I don't want or need. That don't improve my quality of life. Think of those bad vaccines (MMR - the ones smart countries separate into separate vaccines. Which is still dumb as measles naturally inoculates us against many far worse diseases; like cancer). Science law. Science should not hold me captive and keep me from my beliefs. My conscious and to me Religious beliefs. The belief God gave me free will. That's right. Boom. The lesson of Adam and Eve in real life format; not fictional anecdote.
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