What I mean is that
I want them to love
And commit to love
And I don't want them to ever close themselves off to love
When you say
I can/will/only want to
Love women/men whatever
You have closed yourself off to loving a giant sector of people
Maybe even someone who could have made your life spectacular
Enriched it beyond belief**
So why label yourself
Unless you absolutely cringe at the thought of touching a specific said sex
Which in my opinion is something that should be thoroughly examine
If so
For possible signs of past abuse or trauma
That kind of hate just doesn't seem natural to me
We are all beautiful creatures of God
That we were meant to be paired off into male/female
While still debated by some
Seems ludicrous to me
Because unions outside of those parameters seems to have been happening as far back as we can go to figure these things out.
Similar to prostitution
I just don't see why fight against something people want
Something that doesn't harm anyone per se
We aren't talking child abuse
We are talking consenting adults
So in that sense
The sense that as consenting adults
When my children grow to be them
I want them to always feel free to love whomever they chose
However they chose to
For as long as they have chosen to
And never close themselves off to love
No matter how it comes.
When it comes
And they will know for themselves when that is
Will these thoughts one day bite me in the butt?
But it isn't my life/love to chose anyway
It's theirs
And if they are happy
Truly happy
Then what better thing is there
But to be happy for them.
*Make it a point to always listen closely
Heart and mind open
Before you jump down someone's throat
You may find you don't have the need to after all
Or you may find sympathy and compassion for the persons view
No matter how askew
**not monetarily; although that doesn't mean that can't also be true I suppose.