I tell my children that soul mates don't necessarily exist
Rather we each have one person in our lives we loved the absolute most
That was the most precious to us
Someone we feel deeply and inexplicably drawn to love
To cherish
To want to share our lives with
To want to share their journey as well
Was that one person preordained for us?
I don't know the answer to that
I wish I did
But maybe then we wouldn't feel a sense of control
Maybe we would have a grandiose sense of entitlement
Or a deflated sense of despair
Who knows
I like to believe that as long as we open up to love completely
When it comes
We can have that love time and time again
The real trick in my opinion
Is finding it and letting it bloom with someone that is actually good for u
And that you are good for
That brings us mutual positivity
That nurtures both parties
To the degree we each need and/or desire
And not to excess as a parent or guardian might
Or not too excessively little or actually detrimental
Or not too excessively little or actually detrimental
To walk the fine line between what your heart wants
And what is actually good for you
Not good for your superficialities
Your position
Your family
Your p&l spreadsheets
Your image
Your ego
The status quo
Etc etc
Someone who is good for your soul
Who is good to your heart
Who treasures the real you deeply
And acceptingly
Finding that
Fostering that
The work that it takes
Which if done right
Feels like no work at all really
Feels like the most natural thing in the world
Or at least
That's been my experience
This far
But Again. Who knows
At this point in life
I have very few absolutes
I waver almost petulantly it may seem
From thing to thing
That's what flowing with life
Feels like
Like surfing an ever changing wave
For which I must make ever constant adjustments
To stay centered
And keep keeping on
Staying connected to moment by moment
Body, mind, spirit
In honesty
In complete truth
Not just going through the motions
That freedom
And should be lived in every day life
To be the happiest
The most full of love and light
That we can be
Not necessarily easy perhaps
Not ever so particularly hard
If one just decides to do it
And keep doing it
Time and time again
*if we are lucky