This may seem like an odd thing to say
I may go to hell
I have ruminated with this possibility for many many years now
While not a pleasant thought
It also isn’t one I shirk from
Or pretend doesn’t exist
I was given a great gift
But with that gift comes the realization of different planes of existence
Which one can possibly land in
One of which is indeed
What would be a rendition of hell
And I can not beyond a shadow of doubt say I will not go back
Because frankly
I don’t know how it works
I could consult a few bibles
But so far nothing has resonated with what I feel is complete truth
Surrounding that subject
Is God wrathful?
Is the devil mercilesssly cruel?
Can a good heart and good ideals
Can good thoughts and deeds
Wipe out wrongs?
I have no idea
What I have done
I wish more than anything I could undue
I pray for forgiveness
I try relentlessly to forgive myself for
And yet I am left with the aftertaste of disgust at myself
I did not fully comprehend
But had I known
Would that have stopped me?
I can’t really claim that much naïveté
I was an adult (legally) although perhaps not completely formulated yet
I don’t give myself excuses
And for that I simply can’t say
Is what I did enough to punish me in the afterlife?
I hope not
Although many would say yes to that
...But that is all I can do
Is hope
And pray.
If I knew
Knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would go to hell
Regardless of any good actions I’ve done since or prior
Would I change who I am?
Would I stop trying to lead with my heart
Trying to bleed authenticity
Trying to live open
With quiet strength and solace
With a deep compassion for all the frailties
And fallibilities
We all suffer in life...
Or would I roar and go balls to the wall crazy
Just doing whatever I pleased
Whenever I pleased to?
Honestly. No. Probably not.
I know too much.
I’ve seen too much
I know what heaven on earth looks like
And it is truly a worthwhile endeavor
Divine Intervention
Glorious Blessings
Worth it all!
Worth the sacrifice
Which aren’t sacrifices
Just different nuances of living
Different modalities of survival
What you think you lose
Is gained in so many other ways
I know it
I see it
I’ve lived it so many times
That to even think of the hereafter seems a waste of time really
What does it matter?
What matters really is the now
What do I do with this moment
This life
This breath
These hands
This heart
Whatever I do next
Whatever may come
I hope I can greet it with the same open heart
But I can’t dwell on that now
Too much life
To much love left to cram into
This one short lifetime